Surname Research Instructions

The Surname Research page allows visitors to the website to search for a name to see if a PA PalAm member is also researching that name. The initial screen lists all surnames in alphabetical order. You can scroll down the list, or search for a surname. Be sure to look for both the English and German spelling of the name.
To Search:  Enter the surname in the Search Surname box in the upper left hand of the screen. Click the magnifying glass to activate the search. You can clear the search term by clicking on the broom. Below the search box is a drop down to allow results to include Alternate Spellings.
The search may contain the surname more than one time. This will happen if two or more members have entered this surname.
The Actions column contains two icons, dependent of the members record. The eye icon will display additional details. The envelope icon will appear if the member has an email on their membership account and they have elected to participate in Surname Research. When you click on the envelope icon, an email inquiry form will open. The sender must enter their name, email address and a short message related to their inquiry. When you click on Send, the email will be sent directly to the member associated with this surname. If the surname appears more than one time, you may want to contact all members associated with that surname.